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PsiChi committees are a great way to get involved!

Each semester members sign up for the committee of their choosing. As committee members, members gain experience in holding a title position and gain opportunities to work closely with the officers and faculty advisors.

Programs Committee

Administrative assistant- Duties include: making flyers and posting around campus, making copies, helping with the PsiChi bulletin board, making calls to other organizations


Schedule Coordinator- Duties include: making calls to other organizations and scheduling times/days that PsiChi can volunteer or fundraise, being on the lookout for new opportunities to collaborate with other organizations

Public Relations Committee

Editor- Duties include: reading over blogposts before posting them to the website, coming up with new ideas for blog posts


Blogger- Duties include: Writing at least two blogs a month about Psychology related topics, bloggers should submit their blogs to the editor for them to review and post


P.R. Manager-Duties include: Keeping the website up to date by adding new information and pictures to the website at least twice a month, making sure that the editors and bloggers are doing their jobs

Research Awards & Grants

Financial Coordinator- Duties include: informing the members of current research or other psychology related funding opportunities


Research Advocate- Duties include: informing the members of current research opportunities such as conferences and collaborations with faculty or students

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